Yes, It's Already Me Again...

I know, I'm on the ball this week.
I'd like to think I'm adjusting to this new life of ours, that I've figured out a way to keep up with everything on our plate, but I won't kid you or myself...and I'll try to forget that Mr. Welder is on his last pair of clean work shorts again....Let's take a look at the carport, shall we?
Looking good.
The staining is coming along quite nicely, and I can't wait to see the finished products!
Last post when I showed you the interior doors stacked in the trailer, I noticed that in all the other photos the doors were ajar (that makes me laugh) and therefore I'd left you in the dark about how they turned out.
So that is when I closed this door and took this photo to let you in the light.
Here's a shot of the trim I mentioned last post.  Mr. Welder worked magic and made a plain old board look fancy schmancy.
The attic door was installed.
There are doors and drawers all over the place waiting for their clear coat.  Then will be the exciting task of matching all the numbers up and putting them back in place.
Just think of the puzzle we'd have without numbers...

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